SCOM2012 – Determine OpsMgr Components File Versions Using PowerShell Remoting

10 Dec

We’re currently working hard on our SCOM 2012 environment. One of the things that need to be done, is upgrading the environment to the latest version, which is currently Update Rollup 3.

Two great blog posts are available to assist you in the upgrade process:

Unfortunately SCOM 2012 at this moment only shows the major version 7.0.8560.0 when using get-scommanagementserver or get-scomagent. For agents you can use this PowerShell command:
get-scomagent | ft computername, version, patchlist -auto
The patchlist is however not available for managementservers, which means another approach is necessary to get an overview of the upgrade status of your SCOM environment.

Since OpsMgr 2012 Update Rollup 3 is available through WSUS now for the first time, you could leverage existing WSUS reports. Depending on your environment, not all systems might be in WSUS or the systems might be using different WSUS servers.

The script I made, is based on Stefan Stranger’s blog post. The script basically works like this:

  1. It queries the SCOM 2012 environment for management servers and agents.
  2. It connects to each management server and agent using PowerShell remoting, locally checks file versions against the desired versions and returns the results.

The script can be found here:

Since I’m still pretty new to PowerShell scripting, any feedback is welcome so I can improve

[EDIT 22-04-2016]

Added the script as HTML in the blog itself

[EDIT 22-04-2016]



Name : Determine SCOM Components File Versions Using PowerShell Remoting.ps1

Date : December 10th 2012

Author : Bjorn Houben

Blog        :

Website :

Linkedin :

Purpose :   Unfortunately SCOM 2012 now only shows the major version 7.0.8560.0 when using get-scommanagementserver or get-scomagent.

                This script will show the file versions of the SCOM 2012 components: Management Server, Gateway Server, Console, Web Console, Agent and reporting tools.

                Using PowerShell remoting, this script will query your SCOM environment for management servers and agents and will then check their local file versions.


Assumptions : To query SCOM, you are running the script from a system that meets all of these requirements:

                 1. The “Operations Manager Shell” is installed.

                 2. You can connect to the management server for queries.

                 3. Your account has sufficient permissions to query the management server.

                To query the file versions on remote systems:

                 1. PowerShell remoting must be enabled and configured correctly.

                 2. Connectivity to the remote systems must be available.

                 3. The account used for PowerShell remoting must have sufficient permissions.

Known issues:

Limitations :

Notes   : This script was inspired by Stefan Stranger’s blog post about installing update rollup 3:


                To determine the changed files, I used the commands provided in this blog post:

                Get-ItemProperty -Path “$env:ProgramFiles\System Center 2012\Operations Manager\Server\*.dll” | select -ExpandProperty VersionInfo | where {$_.FileVersion -eq “7.0.8560.1036”} | Format-List FileName, FileVersion

                Get-ItemProperty -Path “c:\\Program Files\System Center 2012\Operations Manager\Reporting\Tools\*.*” | select -ExpandProperty VersionInfo | where {$_.FileVersion -eq $SCOM2012_Update_version} | Format-List FileName, FileVersion

                Get-ItemProperty -Path “$env:ProgramFiles\System Center 2012\Operations Manager\Console\*.dll” | select -ExpandProperty VersionInfo | where {$_.FileVersion -eq $SCOM2012_Update_version} | Format-List FileName, FileVersion

                Get-ItemProperty -Path “$env:ProgramFiles\System Center 2012\Operations Manager\WebConsole\WebHost\bin\*.dll” | select -ExpandProperty VersionInfo | where {$_.FileVersion -eq $SCOM2012_Update_version} | Format-List FileName, FileVersion

                Get-ItemProperty -Path “$env:ProgramFiles\System Center Operations Manager\Gateway\*.dll” | select -ExpandProperty VersionInfo | where {$_.FileVersion -eq $SCOM2012_Update_version} | Format-List FileName, FileVersion

                Get-ItemProperty -Path “$env:ProgramFiles\System Center Operations Manager\Agent\*.dll” | select -ExpandProperty VersionInfo | where {$_.FileVersion -eq $SCOM2012_Update_version} | Format-List FileName, FileVersion

Disclaimer : This script is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. I disclaim all implied warranties including, without limitation,

    any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk arising out of the use or

    performance of the sample scripts and documentation remains with you. In no event shall I be liable for any damages whatsoever

    (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information,

    or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the script or documentation.

To improve  :

Copyright   :   I believe in sharing knowledge, so this script and its use is subject to :

History     : December 10 2012 : Created script


#Load the OperationsManager PowerShell module

Import-Module OperationsManager

#Get managementservers and agents

$ManagementServers = Get-SCOMManagementServer

$Agents = Get-SCOMagent

#Declare function for PowerShell remoting

Function get-remotefileversions($computername)


    #Invoke-command is used to perform commands on remote machines using PowerShell remoting. The ScriptBlock defines what will be executed on each local machine.

    invoke-command -computername $computername -ScriptBlock{


        #Get the local hostname

        $hostname = $env:COMPUTERNAME

        #Declare the function to get fileversions

        Function get-fileversion($description,$file)


            #Declare the desiredversion.            

            #SCOM 2012 Update Rollup 3 version = “7.0.8560.1036”

            #SCOM 2012 SP1 beta version = “7.0.8925.0”            

            $desiredversion = “7.0.8560.1036”


            IF((test-path $file) -ne $true) #If file is not present, no file version check will be performed


                #write-host “Not present;$file”


            ELSE #If file is present, file version check will be performend


                #write-host “Present;$file”

                #Get the fileversion

                $fileversion = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $file | select -ExpandProperty VersionInfo).FileVersion


                #Define the outputformat

                $output = $hostname;$fileversion;$description;$file

                IF($fileversion -eq $desiredversion) #If fileversion matches desired version, do not show in output


                    #write-host $output


                ELSE #If fileversion does not match desired version, show in output


                    #Show only non compliant versions

                    $output | write-host




        #Define the files to check


        #Files for SCOM 2012 Management Server

        get-fileversion “Management Server” $env:ProgramFiles\System Center 2012\Operations Manager\Server\Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.DataAccessService.OperationsManager.dll”

        get-fileversion “Management Server” $env:ProgramFiles\System Center 2012\Operations Manager\Server\Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Modules.PowerShell.dll”

        get-fileversion “Management Server” $env:ProgramFiles\System Center 2012\Operations Manager\Server\Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.RuntimeService.dll”

        get-fileversion “Management Server” $env:ProgramFiles\System Center 2012\Operations Manager\Server\MomIISModules.dll”

        #Files for SCOM 2012 Console

        get-fileversion “Console” $env:ProgramFiles\System Center 2012\Operations Manager\Console\Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Presentation.Controls.dll”

        get-fileversion “Console” $env:ProgramFiles\System Center 2012\Operations Manager\Console\Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Presentation.Core.dll”

        get-fileversion “Console” $env:ProgramFiles\System Center 2012\Operations Manager\Console\Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Presentation.DataProviders.Library.dll”

        get-fileversion “Console” $env:ProgramFiles\System Center 2012\Operations Manager\Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.UI.ConsoleFramework.dll”

        get-fileversion “Console” $env:ProgramFiles\System Center 2012\Operations Manager\Microsoft.Mom.UI.Components.dll”

        #Files for SCOM 2012 Web Console

        get-fileversion “Web Console” $env:ProgramFiles\System Center 2012\Operations Manager\WebConsole\WebHost\bin\Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Presentation.Core.DLL”

        get-fileversion “Web Console” $env:ProgramFiles\System Center 2012\Operations Manager\WebConsole\WebHost\Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Presentation.DataProviders.Library.dll”

        get-fileversion “Web Console” $env:ProgramFiles\System Center 2012\Operations Manager\WebConsole\WebHost\Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Presentation.Security.Cryptography.dll”

        #Files for SCOM 2012 Gateway

        get-fileversion “Gateway” $env:ProgramFiles\System Center Operations Manager\Gateway\Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Modules.PowerShell.dll”

        get-fileversion “Gateway” $env:ProgramFiles\System Center Operations Manager\Gateway\MomIISModules.dll”

        get-fileversion “Gateway” $env:ProgramFiles\System Center Operations Manager\Gateway\MOMScriptAPI.dll”

        #Files for SCOM 2012 Reporting

        get-fileversion “Reporting” $env:ProgramFiles\System Center 2012\Operations Manager\Reporting\Tools\OpsMgrTraceTMFVer.Dll”

        get-fileversion “Reporting” $env:ProgramFiles\System Center 2012\Operations Manager\Reporting\Tools\TraceFmtSM.exe”

        get-fileversion “Reporting” $env:ProgramFiles\System Center 2012\Operations Manager\Reporting\Tools\TraceLogSM.exe”

        #Files for SCOM 2012 Agent

        get-fileversion “Agent” $env:ProgramFiles\System Center Operations Manager\Agent\Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Modules.PowerShell.dll”

        get-fileversion “Agent” $env:ProgramFiles\System Center Operations Manager\Agent\MomIISModules.dll”

        get-fileversion “Agent” $env:ProgramFiles\System Center Operations Manager\Agent\MOMScriptAPI.dll”

        get-fileversion “Agent” ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\System Center Operations Manager\Agent\Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Modules.PowerShell.dll”

        get-fileversion “Agent” ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\System Center Operations Manager\Agent\MomIISModules.dll”

        get-fileversion “Agent” ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}System Center Operations Manager\Agent\MOMScriptAPI.dll”



#Run the get-remotefileversions function for all Management Servers

Foreach($ManagementServer in $ManagementServers)


    get-remotefileversions $managementserver.NetworkName


#Run the get-remotefileversions function for all agents

Foreach($Agent in $Agents)


    get-remotefileversions $agent.NetworkName



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5 responses to “SCOM2012 – Determine OpsMgr Components File Versions Using PowerShell Remoting

  1. Stefan Leo Viktor Stranger

    December 13, 2012 at 09:36

    Great job! Keep up the great work!

    Stefan Stranger


    • Bjorn Houben

      December 13, 2012 at 11:50

      Thanks. I’m really enjoying myself playing around with SCOM and PowerShell and I plan to keep creating new posts on a regular basis.


  2. Soprano

    April 22, 2016 at 10:33

    Is it possible to post this script in this blog?



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